Package 'chemodiv'

Title: Analysing Chemodiversity of Phytochemical Data
Description: Quantify and visualise various measures of chemical diversity and dissimilarity, for phytochemical compounds and other sets of chemical composition data. Importantly, these measures can incorporate biosynthetic and/or structural properties of the chemical compounds, resulting in a more comprehensive quantification of diversity and dissimilarity. For details, see Petrén, Köllner and Junker (2023) <doi:10.1111/nph.18685>.
Authors: Hampus Petrén [aut, cre] , Tobias G. Köllner [aut] , Robert R. Junker [aut]
Maintainer: Hampus Petrén <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2025-03-13 05:33:51 UTC

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Arabis alpina floral scent compounds


A dataset listing the compounds in alpinaSampData.




A data frame with 15 rows and 3 columns. Each row is a compound. First column is a common name of the compound, second column is the SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System) specification, third column is the InChIKey (International Chemical Identifier).


Petren H, Torang P, Agren J, Friberg M. 2021. Evolution of floral scent in relation to self-incompatibility and capacity for autonomous self-pollination in the perennial herb Arabis alpina. Annals of Botany 127: 737-747.

Arabis alpina floral scent compound dissimilarity matrix


A matrix with compound dissimilarities calculated using compDis with type = "PubChemFingerprint", for the compounds in alpinaCompData.




A 15x15 compound dissimilarity matrix.

Arabis alpina floral scent molecular network


A molecular network. Generated by the molNet function used on the alpinaCompDis dataset, with cutOff = 0.75.




A tbl_graph object with 15 nodes and 56 edges.

Arabis alpina floral scent NPClassifier table


A table with the NPClassifier pathways, superclasses and classes, along with the compound names, smiles and inchikey. Generated by the NPCTable function used on the alpinaCompData dataset.




A dataframe with 15 compounds and their NPClassifier classifications.

Arabis alpina populations


A dataset listing what population each sample in alpinaSampData comes from.




A data frame with 87 rows and 1 column. Each row represents the population each sample in alpinaSampData comes from (It8, S1 or G1).


Petren H, Torang P, Agren J, Friberg M. 2021. Evolution of floral scent in relation to self-incompatibility and capacity for autonomous self-pollination in the perennial herb Arabis alpina. Annals of Botany 127: 737-747.

Arabis alpina floral scent data


A dataset with proportional floral scent data from three populations of the plant Arabis alpina.




A data frame with 87 rows and 15 columns. Each row is a sample, each column is a floral scent compound.


Petren H, Torang P, Agren J, Friberg M. 2021. Evolution of floral scent in relation to self-incompatibility and capacity for autonomous self-pollination in the perennial herb Arabis alpina. Annals of Botany 127: 737-747.

Arabis alpina floral scent sample dissimilarity matrix


A matrix with sample dissimilarities calculated from alpinaSampData and alpinaCompDis using sampDis with type = "GenUniFrac" and alpha = 0.5.




A 87x87 sample dissimilarity matrix.

Calculate beta diversity


Function to calculate beta diversity in the Hill diversity framework. This can be calculated as Hill beta diversity or Functional Hill beta diversity.


calcBetaDiv(sampleData, compDisMat = NULL, type = "HillDiv", q = 1)



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


Compound dissimilarity matrix, as calculated by compDis. Has to be supplied for calculations of Functional Hill beta diversity.


Type(s) of Hill beta diversity to calculate. "HillDiv" and/or "FuncHillDiv".


Diversity order to use for the calculation of beta diversity. See calcDiv for further details on q.


The function calculates a single beta diversity value for the supplied sampleData. This is calculated as beta = gamma / alpha. Gamma diversity represents the diversity of the pooled data set, alpha diversity represents the mean diversity across individual samples, and beta diversity represents turnover or variability among samples. With type = "HillDiv" and q = 0 the calculated beta diversity is equal to the well-known and most simple measure of beta diversity introduced by Whittaker 1960, where beta = gamma / alpha, based only on the number of species (here compounds).


Data frame with type of Hill beta diversity calculated, q, and values for gamma diversity, mean alpha diversity and beta diversity.


Chao A, Chiu C-H, Jost L. 2014. Unifying Species Diversity, Phylogenetic Diversity, Functional Diversity, and Related Similarity and Differentiation Measures Through Hill Numbers. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45: 297-324.

Jost L. 2007. Partitioning diversity into independent alpha and beta components. Ecology 88: 2427-2439.

Whittaker RH. 1960. Vegetation of the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon and California. Ecological Monographs 30: 279-338.


calcBetaDiv(sampleData = minimalSampData)
calcBetaDiv(sampleData = minimalSampData, compDisMat = minimalCompDis,
type = c("HillDiv", "FuncHillDiv"), q = 2)

calcBetaDiv(sampleData = alpinaSampData, compDisMat = alpinaCompDis,
type = "FuncHillDiv")

Calculate various diversity measures


Function to calculate different common measures of diversity, and components (richness, evenness, disparity) thereof. Types of measures that can be calculated includes Hill diversity, Functional Hill diversity, Mean Pairwise Dissimilarity (MPD), Shannon's diversity, Simpson diversity, Rao's Q, Pielou's evenness and Hill evenness.


calcDiv(sampleData, compDisMat = NULL, type = "HillDiv", q = 1)



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


Compound dissimilarity matrix, as calculated by compDis. Has to be supplied for calculations of Functional Hill Diversity and Rao's Q.


Type(s) of diversity or component(s) thereof to calculate. Any of "Shannon", "Simpson", "HillDiv", "FuncHillDiv", "MPD", "RaoQ", "PielouEven", "HillEven".


Diversity order to use for Hill diversity, Functional Hill Diversity and Hill Evenness. q should be equal to or larger than zero. This parameter determines the sensitivity of the (Functional) Hill Diversity measure to the relative frequencies of compounds. Commonly set to 0, 1 or 2, although any value > 0 may be used. For q = 0 compound proportions are not taken into account. For q = 1 (default) compounds are weighed according to their proportion in the sample. For q = 2, more weight is put on compounds with high proportions.


The function calculates diversity and/or components thereof for each sample in sampleData. It can calculate the following indices:

  • Shannon. Shannon's Diversity.

  • Simpson. Simpson Diversity, often referred to as the Inverse Simpson Index.

  • HillDiv. Hill Diversity. Equation 4a/4b in Chao et al. 2014. Also referred to as the Hill number or the effective number of species (here compounds). The parameter q determines the sensitivity of the measure to the relative frequencies of compounds (see above for details). For q = 0, this equals the number of compounds in a sample, i.e. the richness. For q = 1, this equals the exponential of Shannon's Diversity. For q = 2, this equals the Simpson Diversity.

  • FuncHillDiv. Functional Hill Diversity. There are different versions of this. Here, the most common version is calculated. This is the FD(Q), called "total functional diversity", calculated in equation 4b/6b in Chiu & Chao 2014. This measure quantifies the effective total dissimilarity between compounds in the sample. Calculation of Functional Hill Diversity requires a compound dissimilarity matrix. The parameter q determines the sensitivity of the measure to the relative frequencies of compounds (see above for details). For q = 1, this is a measure sensitive to compound richness, evenness and dissimilarity, and is therefore the most comprehensive measure of diversity. For q = 0, this is equal to Functional Attribute Diversity (FAD) which is the sum of all dissimilarities in the dissimilarity matrix.

  • MPD. Mean Pairwise Dissimilarity. As the name suggests, this is equal to the mean of the pairwise dissimilarities in the compound dissimilarity matrix (excluding the 0 values in the diagonal). Therefore, in contrast to FAD (see above) this measure is not dependent on the number of compounds, and hence represents the disparity component of diversity. Practically, MPD is calculated as Functional Hill Diversity at q = 0, divided by n(n-1), where n is the number of compounds, i.e. Hill Diversity at q = 0.

  • RaoQ. Rao's quadratic entropy index Q. The perhaps most common measure of functional diversity. Requires a compound dissimilarity matrix. Rao's Q represents the average dissimilarity of two randomly selected (weighed by their proportions) compounds in the sample.

  • PielouEven. Pielou's Evenness, also referred to as Shannon's equitability. This is perhaps the most common evenness measure. Equal to the Shannon's Diversity divided by the natural logarithm of the number of compounds. In other words, it expresses evenness with the observed Shannon's diversity as a proportion of the maximum Shannon's diversity where all compounds are equally abundant. Therefore, this is a relative measure with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1. This measure of evenness is not replication invariant.

  • HillEven. Hill Evenness, as defined by equation 8 in Tuomisto 2012. This is equal to the Hill Diversity, at a given value of q, divided by the number of compounds, and therefore has a minimum value of 1 / number of compounds and maximum value of 1. This measure of evenness is replication invariant. This measure can be normalized to range from 0 to 1 (equation 13 in Tuomisto 2012).


Data frame with calculated diversity values for each sample.


Chao A, Chiu C-H, Jost L. 2014. Unifying Species Diversity, Phylogenetic Diversity, Functional Diversity, and Related Similarity and Differentiation Measures Through Hill Numbers. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45: 297-324.

Chiu C-H, Chao A. 2014. Distance-Based Functional Diversity Measures and Their Decomposition: A Framework Based on Hill Numbers. PLoS ONE 9: e100014.

Hill MO. 1973. Diversity and Evenness: A Unifying Notation and Its Consequences. Ecology 54: 427-432.

Petren H, Koellner TG, Junker RR. 2023. Quantifying chemodiversity considering biochemical and structural properties of compounds with the R package chemodiv. New Phytologist 237: 2478-2492.

Petren H, Anaia RA, Aragam KS, Braeutigam A, Eckert S, Heinen R, Jakobs R, Ojeda L, Popp M, Sasidharan R, Schnitzler J-P, Steppuhn A, Thon F, Tschikin S, Unsicker SB, van Dam NM, Weisser WW, Wittmann MJ, Yepes S, Ziaja D, Meuller C, Junker RR. 2023. Understanding the phytochemical diversity of plants: Quantification, variation and ecological function. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2023.03.23.533415.

Tuomisto H. 2012. An updated consumer's guide to evenness and related indices. Oikos 121: 1203-1218


calcDiv(sampleData = minimalSampData)
calcDiv(sampleData = minimalSampData, type = c("HillDiv", "HillEven"))
calcDiv(sampleData = minimalSampData, compDisMat = minimalCompDis,
type = "FuncHillDiv", q = 2)

calcDiv(sampleData = alpinaSampData, compDisMat = alpinaCompDis,
type = "FuncHillDiv")

Calculate a diversity profile


Function to calculate a diversity profile, i.e. calculate Hill diversity or Functional Hill Diversity for a range of q values.


  compDisMat = NULL,
  type = "HillDiv",
  qMin = 0,
  qMax = 3,
  step = 0.1



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


Compound distance matrix, as calculated by compDis. Has to be supplied for calculations of Functional Hill diversity.


Type of Hill Diversity to calculate for the diversity profile. "HillDiv" or "FuncHillDiv".


Minimum value of q.


Maximum value of q.


Increment by which q will be calculated between qMin and qMax.


The function calculates a diversity profile for each sample in sampleData. A diversity profile is a calculation of Hill Diversity or Functional Hill Diversity for a range of different values of q. This function performs the calculations, while chemoDivPlot can be used to conveniently create the diversity profile plot, where Hill Diversity is plotted as a function of q within the chosen range. The shape of the diversity profile curve reflects the evenness of compound proportions in the sample. For a perfectly even sample the curve is flat. The more uneven the compound proportions are, the more steep is the decline of the curve. A common range, used as default, of q values is between qMin = 0 and qMax = 3, as diversity should change little beyond qMax = 3. See calcDiv for further details on q.


List with a diversity profile data frame with samples as rows and the Hill diversity or Functional Hill diversity for different q values as columns; and values for type, qMin, qMax and step.


Chao A, Chiu C-H, Jost L. 2014. Unifying Species Diversity, Phylogenetic Diversity, Functional Diversity, and Related Similarity and Differentiation Measures Through Hill Numbers. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 45: 297-324.


calcDivProf(sampleData = minimalSampData)
calcDivProf(sampleData = minimalSampData, compDisMat = minimalCompDis,
type = "FuncHillDiv")

calcDivProf(sampleData = alpinaSampData, compDisMat = alpinaCompDis,
type = "FuncHillDiv", qMin = 1, qMax = 2, step = 0.2)

Check data formatting


Function to check that the datasets used by other functions in the chemodiv package are correctly formatted.


chemoDivCheck(sampleData, compoundData)



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


Data frame with the compounds in sampleData as rows. Should have a column named "compound" with common names of the compounds, a column named "smiles" with SMILES IDs of the compounds, and a column named "inchikey" with the InChIKey IDs for the compounds.


The function performs a number of checks on the two main datasets used as input data, to make sure datasets are formatted in a way suitable for the other functions in the package. This should make it easier for users to correctly construct datasets before starting with analyses.

Two datasets are needed to use the full set of analyses included in the package, and these can be checked for formatting issues. The first dataset should contain data on the proportions of different compounds (columns) in different samples (rows). Note that all calculations of diversity, and most calculations of dissimilarity, are only performed on relative, rather than absolute, values. The second dataset should contain, in each of three columns in a data frame, the compound name, SMILES and InChIKey IDs of all the compounds present in the first dataset. See chemodiv for details on obtaining SMILES and InChIKey IDs. Avoid including Greek letters or other special characters in the compound names.


One or several messages pointing out problems with data formatting, or a message informing that the datasets appear to be correctly formatted.


chemoDivCheck(minimalSampData, minimalCompData) # Correct format
chemoDivCheck(minimalSampData, minimalCompData[c(2,3,1),]) # Incorrect format

chemoDivCheck(sampleData = alpinaSampData, compoundData = alpinaCompData)

Plot chemodiversity


Function to conveniently create basic plots of the different types of chemodiversity measurements calculated by functions in the package. This function exists to provide an easy way to make basic chemodiversity plots. As functions in the package output data in standard formats, customized plots are easily created with ggplot2.


  compDisMat = NULL,
  divData = NULL,
  divProfData = NULL,
  sampDisMat = NULL,
  groupData = NULL



Compound dissimilarity matrix, generated by the compDis function. Note that only a single matrix should be supplied, and not the whole list.


Diversity/evenness data frame, generated by the calcDiv function. This data frame can contain a single or multiple columns with diversity/evenness measures.


Diversity profile, generated by the calcDivProf function. Note that the whole list outputted by the calcDivProf function should be supplied.


Sample dissimilarity matrix, generated by the sampDis function. This can be either the list of one or both matrices outputted by the function, or a single matrix directly.


Grouping data. Should be either a vector or a data frame with a single column.


The function can create four different types of plots, (using ggplot2) depending on which input data is supplied:

  • Function argument compDisMat. A compound dissimilarity matrix will be plotted as a dendrogram visualizing how structurally/biosynthetically similar different compounds are to each other.

  • Function argument divData. Diversity/evenness values will be plotted as a boxplot.

  • Function argument divProfData. A diversity profile, plotting (Functional) Hill diversity at different values of q will be plotted as a line plot.

  • Function argument sampDisMat. A sample dissimilarity matrix will be plotted as an NMDS plot.

  • Function argument groupData. Grouping data (e.g. population, species etc.) may be supplied, to plot each group in different boxes/lines/colours.

Note that this function can take any combination of the four arguments as input, and argument names should always be specified to ensure each dataset is correctly plotted. If including the function argument sampDisMat, a Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) will be performed, which may take time for larger datasets.


The specified chemodiversity plots.


minimalDiv <- calcDiv(minimalSampData, minimalCompDis, type = "FuncHillDiv")
groups <- c("A", "A", "B", "B")
chemoDivPlot(divData = minimalDiv, groupData = groups)

alpinaDiv <- calcDiv(sampleData = alpinaSampData, compDisMat = alpinaCompDis,
type = "FuncHillDiv")
alpinaDivProf <- calcDivProf(sampleData = alpinaSampData,
compDisMat = alpinaCompDis, type = "FuncHillDiv",
qMin = 0, qMax = 2, step = 0.2)
chemoDivPlot(compDisMat = alpinaCompDis, divData = alpinaDiv,
divProfData = alpinaDivProf, sampDisMat = alpinaSampDis,
groupData = alpinaPopData)

Calculate compound dissimilarities


Function to quantify dissimilarities between phytochemical compounds.


  type = "PubChemFingerprint",
  npcTable = NULL,
  unknownCompoundsMean = FALSE



Data frame with the chemical compounds of interest, usually the compounds found in the sample dataset. Should have a column named "compound" with common names of the compounds, a column named "smiles" with SMILES IDs of the compounds, and a column named "inchikey" with the InChIKey IDs for the compounds.


Type of data compound dissimilarity calculations will be based on: NPClassifier, PubChemFingerprint or fMCS. If more than one is chosen, a matrix with mean values of the other matrices will also calculated.


A data frame already generated by NPCTable can optionally be supplied, if compound dissimilarities are to be calculated using type = "NPClassifier".


If unknown compounds, i.e. ones without SMILES or InChIKey, should be given mean dissimilarity values. If not, these will have dissimilarity 1 to all other compounds.


This function calculates matrices with pairwise dissimilarities between the chemical compounds in compoundData, to quantify how different the molecules are to each other. It does so in three different ways, based on the biosynthetic classification or molecular structure of the molecules:

  1. Using the classification from the NPClassifier tool, type = "NPClassifier". NPClassifier (Kim et al. 2021) is a deep-learning tool that automatically classifies natural products (i.e. phytochemical compounds) into a hierarchical classification of three levels: pathway, superclass and class. This classification largely corresponds to the biosynthetic groups/pathways the compounds are produced in. Classifications are downloaded from NPClassifier does not always manage to classify every compound into all three hierarchical levels. In such cases, it might be beneficial to first run NPCTable, manually edit the resulting data frame with probable classifications if possible (with help from the Supporting Information in Kim et al. 2021), and then supply this classification to the compDis function with the npcTable argument. This will ensure that compound dissimilarities are computed optimally.

  2. Using PubChem Fingerprints, type = "PubChemFingerprint". This is a binary substructure fingerprint with 881 binary variables describing the chemical structure of a compound. With this method, compounds are therefore compared based on how structurally dissimilar the molecules are. See for more information. (There are many other types of fingerprints, and ways of calculating compound dissimilarities based on them, see e.g. packages fingerprint and rcdk). Fingerprint data for molecules is downloaded from PubChem. In association with this, there might be a Warning message about closing unused connections, which is not important.

  3. fMCS, flexible Maximum Common Substructure, type = "fMCS". This is a pairwise graph matching concept. The fMCS of two compounds is the largest substructure that occurs in both compounds allowing for atom and/or bond mismatches (Wang et al 2013). As with the fingerprints, compounds are compared based on how structurally dissimilar the molecules are. While potentially a very accurate similarity measure, fMCS is much more computationally demanding than the other methods, and will take a significant amount of time for larger data sets. Data on molecules is downloaded from PubChem. In association with this, there might be a Warning message about closing unused connections, which is not important.

Dissimilarities using NPClassifier and PubChem Fingerprints are generated by calculating Jaccard (Tanimoto) dissimilarities from a 0/1 table with compounds as rows and group (NPClassifier) or binary fingerprint variable (PubChem Fingerprints) as columns. fMCS generates dissimilarity values by calculating Jaccard dissimilarities based on the number of atoms in the maximum common substructure, allowing for one atom and one bond mismatch. Dissimilarities are outputted as dissimilarity matrices.

If dissimilarities are calculated with more than one method, the function will output additional dissimilarity matrices. This always includes a matrix with the mean dissimilarity values of the selected methods. If "NPClassifier" is included in type, a matrix of "mix" values is also calculated. The values in this matrix are the dissimilarities from NPClassifier when these are > 0. For pairs of compounds where dissimilarities from NPClassifier equals 0 (i.e. when the compounds belong to the same pathway, superclass and class), values are equal to half of the (mean) value(s) of the structural dissimilarity/-ies from PubChem Fingerprints and/or fMCS. With this method, compound dissimilarities are primarily based on NPClassifier, but instead of compounds with identical classification having 0 dissimilarity, these have a dissimilarity based on PubChem Fingerprints and/or fMCS, scaled to always be less (< 0.5) than compounds being in the same pathway and superclass, but different class.

If there are unknown compounds, which do not have a corresponding SMILES or InChIKey, this can be handled in three different ways. First, these can be completely removed from the list of compounds and the sample data set, and hence excluded from all analyses. Second, if unknownCompoundsMean = FALSE, unknown compounds will be given a dissimilarity value of 1 to all other compounds. Third, if unknownCompoundsMean = TRUE, unknown compounds will be given a dissimilarity value to all other compounds which equals the mean dissimilarity value between all known compounds. See chemodiv for alternative methods that can be used when most or all compounds are unknown.


List with compound dissimilarity matrices. A list is always outputted, even if only one matrix is calculated. Downstream functions, including calcDiv, calcBetaDiv, calcDivProf, sampDis, molNet and chemoDivPlot require only the matrix as input (e.g. as fullList$specificMatrix) rather than the whole list.


Kim HW, Wang M, Leber CA, Nothias L-F, Reher R, Kang KB, van der Hooft JJJ, Dorrestein PC, Gerwick WH, Cottrell GW. 2021. NPClassifier: A Deep Neural Network-Based Structural Classification Tool for Natural Products. Journal of Natural Products 84: 2795-2807.

Wang Y, Backman TWH, Horan K, Girke T. 2013. fmcsR: mismatch tolerant maximum common substructure searching in R. Bioinformatics 29: 2792-2794.


compDis(minimalCompData, type = "NPClassifier",
npcTable = minimalNPCTable) # Dissimilarity based on NPClassifier

## Not run: compDis(minimalCompData) # Dissimilarity based on Fingerprints

compDis(compoundData = alpinaCompData, type = "NPClassifier",
npcTable = alpinaNPCTable) # Dissimilarity based on NPClassifier

Minimal compound dataset


A small dataset with three phytochemical compounds.




A data frame with 3 rows and 3 columns. Each row is a phytochemical compound. First column is a common name of the compound, second column is the SMILES (Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System) specification, third column is the InChIKey (International Chemical Identifier).

Minimal compound dissimilarity matrix


A matrix with compound dissimilarities calculated using compDis with type = "PubChemFingerprint", for the compounds in minimalCompData.




A 3x3 compound dissimilarity matrix.

Minimal molecular network


A molecular network. Generated by the molNet function used on the minimalCompDis dataset, with cutOff = "median".




A tbl_graph object with 3 nodes and 4 edges.

Minimal NPClassifier table


A table with the NPClassifier pathways, superclasses and classes, along with the compound names, smiles and inchikey. Generated by the NPCTable function used on the minimalCompData dataset.




A dataframe with 3 compounds and their NPClassifier classifications.

Minimal sample dataset


A small made up dataset with phytochemical data.




A data frame with 4 rows and 3 columns. Each row is a sample, each column is a phytochemical compound.

Minimal sample dissimilarity matrix


A matrix with sample dissimilarities calculated from minimalSampData and minimalCompDis using sampDis with type = "GenUniFrac" and alpha = 0.5.




A 4x4 sample dissimilarity matrix.

Generate a molecular network with some properties


Function to generate a molecular network object, and some basic properties of the network.


molNet(compDisMat, npcTable = NULL, cutOff = "median")



Compound dissimilarity matrix, as calculated by compDis. Note that the supplied dissimilarity matrix is transformed into a similarity matrix, and this is what cutOff values are set for. Note also that compDis always outputs a list of one or more matrices, while molNet requires a single matrix as input. Therefore, a specific matrix has to be selected from this list, as compDisOutput$matrix.


A data frame generated by NPCTable can be supplied for calculations of the number of NPC pathways and network modularity.


Cut-off value for compound similarities. Any similarity lower than this value will be set to zero when the network is generated, which strongly affects the look of the network. The value can be set manually to any value between 0 and 1; to the median similarity value from the compDisMat; or, if an NPCTable is supplied, to minPathway, the lowest within-pathway similarity (which allows all within-NPC-pathway similarities to be kept).


Molecular networks can be used to illustrate the biosynthetic/structural similarity of phytochemical compounds in a sample, while simultaneously visualizing their relative concentrations. molNet creates the network, and molNetPlot can subsequently be used to create a plot of the network.


List with a (tbl_graph) graph object, the number of compounds, number of NPC pathways and a measure of the modularity of the network (see modularity).


molNet(minimalCompDis, minimalNPCTable, cutOff = 0)

molNet(compDisMat = alpinaCompDis, cutOff = 0.75)

Plot molecular networks


Function to conveniently create a basic plot of the molecular network created by the molNet function. Molecular networks can be used to illustrate the biosynthetic/structural similarity of phytochemical compounds in a sample, while simultaneously visualizing their relative concentrations. In the network, nodes are compounds, with node sizes or node colours representing the relative concentrations of compounds. Edges connects nodes, with edge widths representing compound similarity. This function exists to provide an easy way to make basic molecular network plots. Customized network plots can be created with e.g. the ggraph package or the Cytoscape software platform.


  groupData = NULL,
  npcTable = NULL,
  plotNames = FALSE,
  layout = "kk"



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


A network object, as created by the molNet function. Note that this is only the network object, which is one of the elements in the list outputted by molNet. The network is extracted as molNetOutput$networkObject.


Grouping data (e.g. population, species etc.). If supplied, a separate network will be created for each group. Should be either a vector, or a data frame with a single column.


It is optional but recommended to supply an NPCTable. This will result in network nodes being coloured by their NPC pathway classification.


Indicates if compounds names should be included in the molecular network plot.


Layout used by ggraph when creating the network. The default chosen here, "kk", is the the Kamada-Kawai layout algorithm which in most cases should produce a visually pleasing network. Another useful option is "circle", which puts all nodes in a circle, for easier comparisons between different networks.


The network object from molNet and sampleData have to be supplied. In addition, groupData and/or an NPCTable can be supplied. If an NPCTable is supplied, which is recommended, node colours will represent NPC pathways, and node sizes the relative concentration of the compounds. Edge widths represent compound similarity, and only edges with similarity values above the cutOff value in the molNet function will be plotted. If groupData is supplied, one network will be created for each group. When groupData but not an NPCTable is supplied, compounds missing (i.e. having a mean of 0) from specific groups are plotted as triangles. When groupData and an NPCTable is supplied, compounds missing from specific groups have a white fill. Additionally, in both cases, edges connecting to missing compounds are lighter coloured. These graphical styles are done so that networks are more easy to compare across groups.


A plot with one or more molecular networks.


groups <- c("A", "A", "B", "B")
molNetPlot(minimalSampData, minimalMolNet)
molNetPlot(minimalSampData, minimalMolNet, groups)
molNetPlot(minimalSampData, minimalMolNet, plotNames = TRUE)

molNetPlot(sampleData = alpinaSampData, networkObject = alpinaMolNet,
npcTable = alpinaNPCTable)

Generate NPClassifier classification


Function to classify compounds with NPClassifier, and put the results in a data frame containing the pathway, superclass and class for each compound.





Data frame with the chemical compounds of interest, usually the compounds found in the sample dataset. Should include a column named "compound" with common names of the compounds and a column named "smiles" with SMILES IDs of the compounds.


NPClassifier (Kim et al. 2021) is a deep-learning tool that automatically classifies natural products (i.e. phytochemical compounds) into a hierarchical classification of three levels: pathway, superclass and class. This classification largely corresponds to the biosynthetic groups/pathways the compounds are produced in. The NPCTable function conveniently performs this classification directly in R on the compounds in compoundData, by accessing the tool at and downloading the classifications.


Data frame with the NPClassifier classification for each compound as pathway, superclass and class. Note that compounds may be classified in more than one group, or no group, at each level of classification.


Kim HW, Wang M, Leber CA, Nothias L-F, Reher R, Kang KB, van der Hooft JJJ, Dorrestein PC, Gerwick WH, Cottrell GW. 2021. NPClassifier: A Deep Neural Network-Based Structural Classification Tool for Natural Products. Journal of Natural Products 84: 2795-2807.



NPCTable(compoundData = alpinaCompData[1:3,]) # First three compounds only

Quickly calculate or plot chemodiversity


This function is a shortcut that makes use of many of the other functions in the package. In one simple step chemodiversity is calculated, and if requested also plotted, for users wanting to quickly explore their data using standard parameters.


  compoundData = NULL,
  groupData = NULL,
  outputType = "plots"



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


Data frame with the compounds in sampleData as rows. Should have a column named "compound" with common names of the compounds, a column named "smiles" with SMILES IDs of the compounds, and a column named "inchikey" with the InChIKey IDs for the compounds. See chemodiv for details on obtaining SMILES and InChIKey IDs.


Grouping data (e.g. population, species etc.). Should be either a vector, or a data frame with a single column.


Type of output that should be returned: either data to output a list with different types of chemodiversity data, or plots to instead produce standard plots of this data.


The function requires sample data as input, and can also include compound data. chemoDivCheck can be used to ensure these datasets are correctly formatted, see chemodiv for further details on data formatting. If only sample data is supplied, phytochemical diversity and dissimilarity will be calculated as Hill diversity and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, respectively. If sample data and compound data is supplied, phytochemical diversity and dissimilarity will be calculated as Functional Hill diversity and Generalized UniFrac dissimilarity, respectively. This function then uses the following other functions in the package:

  • compDis is used to calculate compound dissimilarities using PubChem Fingerprints, if compound data is supplied.

  • calcDiv is used to calculate (Functional) Hill Diversity for q = 1.

  • calcDivProf is used to calculate a diversity profile with (Functional) Hill Diversity for q = 0-3.

  • sampDis is used to calculate Bray-Curtis or Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities between samples.

  • chemoDivPlot is used to create different chemodiversity plots if requested.

quickChemoDiv is designed to provide an easy way to calculate and visualize the most central measures of phytochemical diversity. It uses default parameters to do so, which should be reasonable in most cases. However, for detailed analyses it is recommended to use the separate functions to allow for full control of function input, arguments and output.


Different types of chemodiversity measures, either as elements in a list or as separate plots. If outputType = "data", function returns a compound dissimilarity matrix (if compound data was supplied), a data frame with (Functional) Hill Diversity at q = 1, a data frame with a (Functional) Hill Diversity profile for q = 0-3, and a sample dissimilarity matrix. If outputType = "plots", these data sets are plotted as a dendrogram (if compound data was supplied), a boxplot, a diversity profile plot and an NMDS plot, respectively.


groups <- c("A", "A", "B", "B")
quickChemoDiv(sampleData = minimalSampData, groupData = groups,
outputType = "data") # Without compound data

quickChemoDiv(sampleData = alpinaSampData, outputType = "plots",
groupData = alpinaPopData) # Without compound data

Calculate sample dissimilarities


Function to calculate dissimilarities between samples. Either Bray-Curtis dissimilarities and/or Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities are calculated.


sampDis(sampleData, compDisMat = NULL, type = "BrayCurtis", alpha = 1)



Data frame with the relative concentration of each compound (column) in every sample (row).


Compound dissimilarity matrix, as calculated by compDis. If this is supplied, Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities can be calculated.


Type of sample dissimilarities to be calculated. This is Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, type = "BrayCurtis", and/or Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities, type = "GenUniFrac".


Parameter used in calculations of Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities. alpha can be set between 0 and 1. With alpha = 0, equal weight is put on every branch in the dendrogram. With alpha = 1, branches are weighted by their abundance, and hence more emphasis is put on high abundance branches. alpha = 0.5 strikes a balance between the two. alpha 0.5 or 1 is recommended, with alpha = 1 as default. See Chen et al. 2012 for details.


The function calculates a dissimilarity matrix for all the samples in sampleData, for the given dissimilarity index/indices. Bray-Curtis dissimilarities are calculated using only the sampleData. This is the most commonly calculated dissimilarity index used for phytochemical data (other types of dissimilarities are easily calculated using the vegdist function in the vegan package).

If a compound dissimilarity matrix, compDisMat, is supplied, Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities can be calculated, which also use the compound dissimilarity matrix for the sample dissimilarity calculations. For the calculation of Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities (Chen et al. 2012), the compound dissimilarity matrix is transformed into a dendrogram using hierarchical clustering (with the UPGMA method). Calculations of UniFrac dissimilarities quantifies the fraction of the total branch length of the dendrogram that leads to compounds present in either sample, but not both. The (weighted) Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities implemented here additionally take compound abundances into account. In this way, both the relative proportions of compounds and the biosynthetic/structural dissimilarities of the compounds are accounted for in the calculations of sample dissimilarities, such that two samples containing more biosynthetically/structurally different compounds have a higher pairwise dissimilarity than two samples containing more biosynthetically/structurally similar compounds. As with Bray-Curtis dissimilarities, Generalized UniFrac dissimilarities range in value from 0 to 1.


List with sample dissimilarity matrices. A list is always outputted, even if only one matrix is calculated.


Bray JR, Curtis JT. 1957. An Ordination of the Upland Forest Communities of Southern Wisconsin. Ecological Monographs 27: 325-349.

Chen J, Bittinger K, Charlson ES, et al. 2012. Associating microbiome composition with environmental covariates using generalized UniFrac distances. Bioinformatics 28: 2106-2113.

Lozupone C, Knight R. 2005. UniFrac: a New Phylogenetic Method for Comparing Microbial Communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71: 8228-8235.


sampDis(sampleData = minimalSampData, compDisMat = minimalCompDis,
type = c("BrayCurtis", "GenUniFrac"), alpha = 0.5)

sampDis(sampleData = alpinaSampData, compDisMat = alpinaCompDis,
type = "GenUniFrac")